7 Romantic Ways For Him To Propose

Now let’s get to it guys, 7 Romantic Ways For Him To Propose is for you men that are unsure about how to pop the big question…let us guide you through some romantic, fun and memorable ways to make her your bride-to-be. Surely if you’re anything like most men are, when you’re around that one and only woman, a proposal isn’t quite as simple as people think. I mean, you gotta do this and that, everything has to go just right, she will never say yes if blow it this time, so the pressure is on to have something unique and worth saying yes to the rest of her life for. After attending hundreds of weddings, hearing the stories, and researching some of the best ways to get your girl to say yes to you, if you have a little doubt, it’s clearly worth going the extra mile for her. How far are you willing to go to be able to call the love of your life your beautiful bride and future mother of your children? Is money or pride a factor at that point, I think not.

These may not be everyone’s favorite proposal ideas, but popular opinion shows these gestures and methods to be a great success in other applications plus I really love the idea that creativity and method of delivery for your proposal being the key to moving into the marriage arena. Let’s take a look shall we..?

To begin, it has to come to mind the first thing to think about is atmosphere. Where do you want to do this? How do you want it to happen? Should you ask her in public somewhere or do you feel the right atmosphere is going to make all the difference? I tend to think when proposing any important question and this being an extremely important question, you have to foresee the best atmosphere for that specific person. If it’s your boss, that’s different but hey if you’re asking your boss for a big raise, it’s probably better to take him to the Olive Garden than Del Taco. There’s a specific touch that helps soften the mood just enough to make it work. Let’s face it, it’s not going to be easy to do but if you actually care, taking some steps into learning what “she” loves the most, that’s where you need to take her. So I’ve populated some pretty unique and creative ways for a guy to increase their chances of her saying “yes” and you flat out blowing it and possibly ruining your existing relationship by short-cutting what women believe to be a very romantic time. Men, she may not say yes because of your delivery method and she may take it as a sign of things to be and never consider you as marriage material. Let’s give you some cool ways to get her to fall into your irresistible arms.

Surprise Vacation For Just The Two Of You

I really love this proposal method because being on vacation is already a liberating feeling and if you’re with the right person, it makes it complete. Pick a spot, something beautiful and romantic. Wait for the right moment and just do it! This is perhaps one of the best proposal methods in my opinion. Although vacations can cost some serious dough, I like to believe that some things in life are worth splurging for. For your future wife, yes! Don’t be cheap, it’s not an attractive quality. Even if you are cheap, you don’t have to show it and you can still be classy with a more localized vacation spot that is much more affordable. Just don’t ask her at home if you already know she’s worth more than that.



You can never go wrong with the right beach setting. Maybe you’re lucky enough to have one nearby, but remember that being more unique than just down the road from your house is kind of the point here. Pick a beautiful beach neither of you really frequent, make it a spot that is more monumental when revisiting rather than routine. Women like routines, but they also like variety so finding a romantic beach setting is also a great way to go. It’s a vacation away from home for folks that don’t have beaches in their towns. California beaches are lined with romantic love stories up and down its coast.


Classic Ring On Bended Knee Proposal

Nothing like a classic to win a woman’s heart. The delivery here is crucial. I recommend pondering this out, what would impress her the most? A romantic proposal in private or with friends and family present. I always like the idea of proposals like this next to a body of water if possible. A long, mysterious but pleasantly appealing pier or dock always reflects a memorable setting. Time of day is also important to think about if you want pictures of video of your proposal.

A Rooftop Dinner For Two

If you don’t have a rooftop, find one. If you can’t look for something relaxing yet edgy, something that shows tonight is a different night. Stone patio settings are nice if you are in the city.

If possible a dinner for two that is romantically planned should have a server of some sort to make the evening feel complete,  and serious to allow yourself the right moment to ask the question because you don’t want to be distracted with serving food and drinks, let someone else take care of that. You MUST have music as well setting the tone for the romancing to begin. Pick something that says, “hey, I want you to remember this moment forever.” She’ll melt in your hands with this method.

An Upbeat Surprise Party

This is a party that you host, and you invite all of your friends and family over to because the more that show, the better. The point of this method of proposal is to announce your love to her in front of EVERYONE that you know, and all who know you. Throw this party with the notion it is just for fun and a great time to have a gathering. If you’re the type of couple that doesn’t typically have a lot of people over, she may suspect something strange, but remind her in loving tones that it’s rare occasion and to let it slide just for one night. She’ll forgive you.



If you get her to relax and just enjoy herself, she will appreciate you wanting an audience to proclaim your love to her. The on-bended-knee approach only works with an audience anyway, unless you are truly in an ideal setting. Once she loosens up a bit, get ready to make your big move. Make sure your guests don’t spill your surprise and it’s wise to not drink any alcohol to avoid embarrassment. This is a special moment, treat it that way.

Propose On The Big Cinema Theatre Screen

There’s nothing like seeing your name on a gigantic movie screen and making it even better, a marriage proposal prompting a slideshow of “only” your best quality photos and video clips. Most theatres don’t charge for this service, but if they do you probably won’t be paying more than $20 so that’s a great price for a memorable proposal don’t you think?


The proper preparation for such an important occasion is worthwhile. If you are really trying to sweep her off her feet, the Movie/Cinema proposal is a classic. Be sure to not have your face stuffed with popcorn when the big moment comes, that would be totally embarrassing. Have the ring ready, make sure you smell good too. Theatres are filthy dirty, and there’s nothing like bad odors lingering in the air to ruin a romantic mood. Go prepared and equip yourself for one of the biggest moments in your life!

Propose At Her Work

I’ve seen this done in person, and it worked like a charm. I think it’s obvious putting someone on the spot in a professional environment yields them from doubt because going with the flow just seems more socially acceptable and no one wants to ruin a good moment. Sending flowers to her work isn’t going to cut it. You need to be down on your knees, right there in front of her so don’t wimp out and try sending an expensive bouquet with a “marry me” card…can you say lame with me??


It may not seem like the perfect place to propose, but think about it. In front of her co-workers, maybe you show up in style and bring some class with you…be creative because flowers, chocolate, limousines, and fancy jewelry seems to spark interest in every woman’s eyes. 😉

Professional Baseball/Football Big Screen Proposal – Old School

From Wrigley Field, to Yankee Stadium, Pac Bell, you’ve got yourself some options. This is truly a classic proposal and it has been used thousands of married men…If you’re a fan of professional baseball then there’s always a screen to design your proposal with. Pick something genuine and romantic to say and make it quick because you only have about 15 seconds of screen time to get her attention…good luck!

Taking a chance with a classic proposal technique, by research proves to be the best odds of success. Classic proposals when thought out, properly planned and some heartfelt sweat and tears have went into your efforts…good things will happen. If your girl appreciates sports, then I highly recommend this proposal because though it be a cliche, it is very accurate to say; classics really don’t die.

7 Romantic Ways For Him To Propose




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